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This function can be used to create balanced splits of the protein intensity data in a model_df object to create training and test data


split_data(model_df, train_size = 0.8, seed = NULL)



A model_df object from performing pre_process.


The size of the training data set as a proportion of the complete data set. Default is 0.8.


Numerical. Random number seed. Default is NULL


A list of data frames.


This function splits the model_df object in to training and test data sets using random sampling while preserving the original class distribution of the data. Make sure to fix the random number seed with seed for reproducibility

See also


Chathurani Ranathunge


## Create a model_df object
covid_model_df <- pre_process(covid_fit_df, covid_norm_df)
#> Total number of differentially expressed proteins (8) is less than n_top.
#> None of the proteins show high pair-wise correlation.
#> No highly correlated proteins to be removed.

## Split the data frame into training and test data sets using default settings
covid_split_df1 <- split_data(covid_model_df, seed = 8314)

## Split the data frame into training and test data sets with 70% of the
## data in training and 30% in test data sets
covid_split_df2 <- split_data(covid_model_df, train_size = 0.7, seed = 8314)

## Access training data set
#>    sp|O00391|QSOX1_HUMAN sp|P00746|CFAD_HUMAN sp|P02652|APOA2_HUMAN
#> 1               22.40059             24.73720              28.66292
#> 2               19.97970             26.80882              30.67527
#> 3               21.12426             22.82051              30.16657
#> 4               20.21675             27.64256              30.67527
#> 5               20.92041             25.60917              31.48626
#> 6               23.37177             22.71174              27.64256
#> 7               22.27765             26.38049              29.94831
#> 8               21.56619             24.97819              30.51976
#> 9               24.73720             23.57248              30.00715
#> 10              22.10170             23.73261              28.73758
#> 11              22.30244             23.87346              29.41927
#> 12              23.73261             26.60611              28.51444
#> 13              22.62693             21.62540              29.33404
#> 14              21.78974             24.47092              29.49655
#> 15              23.15140             24.32863              27.82097
#> 16              19.37365             24.06332              29.41927
#> 17              21.81120             22.19998              27.76262
#> 18              20.49465             25.23133              30.58588
#> 19              20.80441             24.32863              28.14984
#> 20              19.02912             24.32863              30.58588
#> 21              22.11671             24.42514              28.42881
#> 22              22.11671             25.32291              30.00715
#> 23              22.19998             24.79335              31.38459
#> 24              20.99572             25.73887              31.68780
#> 25              22.34632             25.78791              30.44035
#> 26              21.07625             26.97260              29.41927
#> 27              22.11671             23.62285              29.33404
#> 28              22.36332             25.50697              30.16657
#> 29              20.17148             25.45922              31.38459
#>    sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN sp|P13796|PLSL_HUMAN sp|P22352|GPX3_HUMAN
#> 1               30.67527             22.57517             23.96220
#> 2               32.70218             17.63880             22.86492
#> 3               29.19797             25.13590             23.92030
#> 4               31.68780             18.80999             21.43144
#> 5               31.96064             19.37365             23.31727
#> 6               28.84603             26.09616             25.73887
#> 7               31.08519             21.74014             23.26651
#> 8               30.73758             19.02912             23.82412
#> 9               30.07485             23.31727             25.55824
#> 10              28.84603             21.90714             24.32863
#> 11              30.73758             19.22486             24.37980
#> 12              30.58588             22.86492             22.95628
#> 13              30.35700             23.77481             25.45922
#> 14              31.68780             19.97970             23.52849
#> 15              29.65531             25.83668             24.47092
#> 16              31.48626             20.59215             21.90714
#> 17              29.03320             24.61318             24.94399
#> 18              31.96064             20.54634             23.38986
#> 19              30.44035             24.16344             22.71174
#> 20              31.08519             20.17148             19.37365
#> 21              30.35700             20.80441             24.32863
#> 22              31.59221             21.12426             23.92030
#> 23              32.17057             21.66673             22.38032
#> 24              31.96064             20.99572             23.31727
#> 25              30.26855             15.86089             23.35368
#> 26              30.87044             22.30244             20.54634
#> 27              30.87044             22.57517             24.20810
#> 28              30.87044             20.08515             22.08669
#> 29              31.28625             20.87460             23.62285
#>    sp|P25311|ZA2G_HUMAN sp|Q16610|ECM1_HUMAN  condition
#> 1              27.70882             25.18199     Severe
#> 2              25.23133             27.22918 Non.Severe
#> 3              27.87499             24.97819     Severe
#> 4              24.84503             28.42881 Non.Severe
#> 5              26.49553             27.08827     Severe
#> 6              28.51444             23.87346     Severe
#> 7              25.93514             26.60611 Non.Severe
#> 8              26.04292             26.19652 Non.Severe
#> 9              27.03502             26.74563     Severe
#> 10             25.69315             24.24620     Severe
#> 11             26.54609             26.04292     Severe
#> 12             27.43537             26.04292     Severe
#> 13             26.49553             25.02850     Severe
#> 14             24.79335             27.39454     Severe
#> 15             28.51444             24.84503     Severe
#> 16             24.94399             26.29915 Non.Severe
#> 17             27.22918             24.79335     Severe
#> 18             25.98335             26.97260 Non.Severe
#> 19             27.03502             26.60611     Severe
#> 20             25.32291             25.78791 Non.Severe
#> 21             26.34214             26.13770     Severe
#> 22             26.92763             26.74563     Severe
#> 23             24.56294             27.76262 Non.Severe
#> 24             25.50697             27.33912 Non.Severe
#> 25             26.43611             27.12807 Non.Severe
#> 26             27.18300             27.54357 Non.Severe
#> 27             25.88645             25.23133 Non.Severe
#> 28             26.04292             27.48114 Non.Severe
#> 29             26.19652             26.65823 Non.Severe

## Access test data set
#>   sp|O00391|QSOX1_HUMAN sp|P00746|CFAD_HUMAN sp|P02652|APOA2_HUMAN
#> 1              21.28517             25.93514              31.68780
#> 2              21.46057             25.45922              29.41927
#> 3              21.81120             25.36447              29.94831
#> 4              22.88773             23.67558              28.84603
#> 5              20.72842             26.09616              30.73758
#> 6              22.01501             24.84503              29.25736
#>   sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN sp|P13796|PLSL_HUMAN sp|P22352|GPX3_HUMAN
#> 1              31.79321             18.19499             24.32863
#> 2              30.16657             21.07625             22.95628
#> 3              30.96996             19.37365             22.98936
#> 4              29.33404             23.20021             25.93514
#> 5              32.09807             21.35759             21.19299
#> 6              29.71094             19.86997             24.61318
#>   sp|P25311|ZA2G_HUMAN sp|Q16610|ECM1_HUMAN  condition
#> 1             25.78791             26.65823 Non.Severe
#> 2             28.73758             26.65823     Severe
#> 3             27.08827             26.87214     Severe
#> 4             27.92312             25.45922     Severe
#> 5             24.51383             27.70882 Non.Severe
#> 6             26.29915             26.24771 Non.Severe