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This function pre-processes protein intensity data from the top differentially expressed proteins identified with find_dep for modeling.


  sig = "adjP",
  sig_cutoff = 0.05,
  fc = 1,
  n_top = 20,
  find_highcorr = TRUE,
  corr_cutoff = 0.9,
  save_corrmatrix = FALSE,
  file_path = NULL,
  rem_highcorr = TRUE



A fit_df object from performing find_dep.


The norm_df object from which the fit_df object was obtained.


Criteria to denote significance in differential expression. Choices are "adjP" (default) for adjusted p-value or "P" for p-value.


Cutoff value for p-values and adjusted p-values in differential expression. Default is 0.05.


Minimum absolute log-fold change to use as threshold for differential expression. Default is 1.


The number of top hits from find_dep to be used in modeling. Default is 20.


Logical. If TRUE (default), finds highly correlated proteins.


A numeric value specifying the correlation cutoff. Default is 0.90.


Logical. If TRUE, saves a copy of the protein correlation matrix in a tab-delimited text file labeled "Protein_correlation.txt" in the directory specified by file_path.


A string containing the directory path to save the file.


Logical. If TRUE (default), removes highly correlated proteins (predictors or features).


A model_df object, which is a data frame of protein intensities with proteins indicated by columns.


This function creates a data frame that contains protein intensities for a user-specified number of top differentially expressed proteins.

  • Note: Most models will benefit from reducing correlation between proteins (predictors or features), therefore we recommend removing those proteins at this stage to reduce pairwise-correlation.

  • If no or few proteins meet the significance threshold for differential expression, you may adjust sig, fc, and/or sig_cutoff accordingly to obtain more proteins for modeling.

See also


Chathurani Ranathunge


## Create a model_df object with default settings.
covid_model_df1 <- pre_process(fit_df = covid_fit_df, norm_df = covid_norm_df)
#> Total number of differentially expressed proteins (8) is less than n_top.
#> None of the proteins show high pair-wise correlation.
#> No highly correlated proteins to be removed.

## Change the correlation cutoff.
covid_model_df2 <- pre_process(covid_fit_df, covid_norm_df, corr_cutoff = 0.95)
#> Total number of differentially expressed proteins (8) is less than n_top.
#> None of the proteins show high pair-wise correlation.
#> No highly correlated proteins to be removed.

## Change the significance criteria to include more proteins
covid_model_df3 <- pre_process(covid_fit_df, covid_norm_df, sig = "P")
#> None of the proteins show high pair-wise correlation.
#> No highly correlated proteins to be removed.

## Change the number of top differentially expressed proteins to include
covid_model_df4 <- pre_process(covid_fit_df, covid_norm_df, sig = "P", n_top = 24)
#> None of the proteins show high pair-wise correlation.
#> No highly correlated proteins to be removed.